2018 Dharma Class Application Form
入学资格 / Admission Requirements:
- 报读者必须身心健康。Student must be in Good Health.
- 华文佛学班 — 学历与年龄:”O”水准以上程度, 18~60 岁
- English Dharma Class —- Education & Age: “O” Level and above, 18~60 yrs old
* 需要填充 Required
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1. 我确保以上填写的资料正确无误,并同意将通知慧严佛学会任何资料的更换。The particulars provided are to the best of my knowledge, true and correct, and I undertake to inform The Mahaprajna Buddhist Society of any changes to the particulars.
2. 我了解及同意慧严佛学会在会所或会所以外的场地所举办的任何活动,慧严佛学会及其义工/工作人员无须对发生于我的任何意外、损伤、索赔负责。I hereby understand and agree that The Mahaprajna Buddhist Society and its volunteers/staff shall not be held liable for any form of accident, loss, claim or damage suffered by myself at any event/activity organized by The Mahaprajna Buddhist Society within or outside its premises.
3. 我同意让慧严佛学会收集,使用及保留我的个人资料,并只用于慧严佛学会的活动。I consent to my personal data being collected, used and retained by The Mahaprajna Buddhist Society for its activities.