Our Organizational Structure

The Sangha, representated by the Religious Advisor, is at the helm of our organisational structure. Under the guidance of the Religious Advisor, the lay Management Committee and the five sub-committees collectively aspire towards nurturing a favourable environment for learning and practicing Buddhism.

The Religious Advisor provides the necessary leadership and guidance to the Management Committee in steering the current and future directions of TMBS. He or she represents the Sangha’s decisions on all major issues.

The Management Committee comprises of:

  • President
  • Vice- President
  • Hon. Secretary
  • Asst. Hon. Secretary
  • Hon. Treasurer
  • Asst. Hon. Treasurer
  • Four other members.

The Vice-President and the four members are each in charge of a sub-committee.

Management Committee 2017 May to 2018 April:

  • BRO. CHNG CHYE BOON (President)
  • BRO. CHEW BENG SOON (Vice President cum Culture)
  • SIS. TAN YOKE CHEN (Hon. Secretary)
  • SIS. CHONG PAI LING (Asst. Hon. Secretary)
  • SIS. GOH PECK GEOK (Hon. Treasurer)
  • SIS. TAN YEOK LING (Asst. Hon. Treasurer)
  • BRO. LIM PECK HOE (Education)
  • SIS. TAN KHAR NEE (Welfare)
  • BRO. KONG TUCK CHEE KENT (Recreation)
  • BRO. LOH HAK KEONG (General Affairs)