The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra
Faced with the Buddha’s vast teachings, the way to learn is through faith, understanding, practice, and realisation. Among them, understanding and practice are aided by hearing, contemplating, and applying the Dharma. Listening to more Dharma with earnest reflection will cultivate right view, and right view is the prerequisite for all practice and realisation. Only by practising this way can one reap the ultimate benefit of studying Buddhism; with wrong views, one fails to realise the Truth and gain freedom from all suffering. Therefore, the Saddharmasmṛty-upasthāna Sūtra says that hearing the Dharma has thirty-two virtues, and the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra says, “By virtue of listening to the Dharma, one comes close to great Nirvana. Why? Because it opens the Dharma eye.” Dharma eye is the wisdom realizing the Truth; thus highlight the importance of hearing and contemplating the Dharma.
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